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Unlock the Full Potential of MT with Data-enhanced Machine Translation

Recording is now available

Earlier this year, TAUS launched DeMT™, offering a new end-to-end solution to those who wish to produce customized MT output for their specific domains, without the hassle of going through the actual MT training process. DeMT™ processes the file through an Amazon Active Custom Translate integration and uses high-quality, in-domain datasets from TAUS to produce a highly customized output. Currently, 30 datasets are available in numerous languages in the Financial, eCommerce and Medical domains. These datasets are carefully put together by TAUS and its impact was independently analyzed and evaluated by Polyglot Technology, indicating an average of 15,3% improvement in BLEU scores over the baseline engines.

Watch the recording

What will you learn?

In this webinar, we will discuss the potential of machine translation with a new service like DeMT™, including all the new opportunities this can serve. We’ll also demonstrate the functionality of DeMT™ and talk more about the MT Evaluation Service.



Anderson Vaz


Watson Srivathsan

Product | Amazon AI

Achim Ruopp

Owner | Polyglot Technology

Jaap van der Meer