AKeynotesSummer2019-eBook-1-2t the TAUS Global Content Conference & Exhibits in Salt Lake City, UT on 27-28 June 2019, more than 130 translation and localization professionals came together to discuss some of the hottest topics in our industry at the moment. The TAUS Keynotes eBooks highlights and summarizes the panel discussions and presentations at this event.

This year's topics included: 

  • The Quantum Leap
  • “It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine”
  • Reengineering the Global Content Supply Chain
  • Power to the Data Owners
  • The Honest Product Conversation
  • The Modern Translation Pipeline Conversation
  • The Knowledge Gap Conversation
  • How a New Quality Standard Emerged
  • Plug in your Business Intelligence
  • Virtual Assistants Go Vocal
  • TAUS Game Changer Innovation Contest 2019